Mitch's Weather Station. Updates every 5 minutes.
Current Weather
Last Update 7-27-24 @ 3:27am
Temperature 74.5°F
Humidity 88 %
Dewpoint 70.7°F
Wind Chill 74.5°F
Heat Index 74.5°F
Wind 2 Min Avg S @ 9.2 mph
Gust last 5 Min 18.1 mph
Sea Level Pressure 1012.1 mb & ST
Solar Radiation 0 W/m2
UV Index 0.0 uvi
Sunrise 5:53AM
Sunset 8:51PM
Today's Rain 0.00 in
Rain Rate 0.00 in/hr
Rain Last 24hrs 0.00 in
6" Soil Temp 68.0°F
12" Soil Temp 64.2°F
24" Soil Temp 63.1°F
Today's Highs/Lows
High Temperature
74.8°F  @  02:50AM
Low Temperature
74.1°F  @  12:47AM
High Humidity
87.7 %  @  03:26AM
Low Humidity 86.6 %  @  02:00AM
High Dewpoint 71.1°F  @  02:50AM
Low Dewpoint 70.0°F  @  12:37AM
Low Wind Chill 74.1°F  @  12:47AM
High Heat Index 74.8°F  @  02:50AM
High Wind Speed 22.4 mph   @ 01:16AM
High Barometer 1012.6 mb @  12:41AM
Low Barometer 1011.9 mb @  01:55AM
High solar radiation 0 W/m2 @  03:25AM
High UV Index 0.0 uvi @  03:26AM
High Rain Rate 0.00 in/hr  @  03:26AM
This Month's Highs/Lows
High Temperature 88.0°F
Low Temperature 48.4°F
High Humidity 96.7 %
Low Humidity 36.9 %
High Dewpoint 74.8°F
Low Dewpoint 46.8°F
Low Wind Chill 47.3°F
High Heat Index 94.6°F
High Wind Speed 43.6 mph
High Barometer 1025.4 mb
Low Barometer 1005.2 mb
High solar radiation 1183 W/m2
UV Index 7.8 uvi
Monthly Rain 1.56 in
High Rain Rate 5.59 in/hr
This Year's Highs/Lows
High Temperature 88.0°F
Low Temperature -13.7°F
High Humidity 97.0 %
Low Humidity 15.4 %
High Dewpoint 75.4°F
Low Dewpoint -17.1°F
Low Wind Chill -38.4°F
High Heat Index 94.6°F
High Wind Speed 45.6 mph
High Barometer 1042.7 mb
Low Barometer 990.3 mb
High solar radiation 1386 W/m2
UV Index 9.5 uvi
Yearly Rain 21.94 in
High Rain Rate 11.29 in/hr
Future Data
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